Course Name
Course Duration
: 40 Hours (5 Days)
IMO Model Course
: 1.22
  • This course is practical and theoretical and consists of a series of a series of exercises performed on a ship handling simulator. classroom lectures, to provide the necessary theoretical background for the exercises, are illustrated either by including them as part of an exercise or by a separate simulator demonstration. bridge teamwork is dealt with either as interactive computer-based training (CBT) or lecture.
  • Exercises are controlled by an instructor and, initially, allow the trainees to become familiar with the equipment, the controls and the controls and instrumentation provided by the simulator.
  • During exercises, trainees are expected to make use of effective bridge procedures, to comply with international regulations for preventing collisions at sea, 1972 (COLREG) and to observe the basic principles of keeping a navigational watch, as set out in regulation VIII/2, section A-VIII/2 and B-VIII/2 of the STCW convention and code. they will assume the different roles of the bridge watchkeeping team, the roles being rotated to allow each trainee an opportunity to act as master for the exercises.
  • Each exercise will be preceded by a session for briefing and planning and be followed by a debriefing.
  • The trainees who successfully complete this course will have gained experience in handling ships under various conditions and will make a more effective contribution to the bridge team during ship manoueuvring in normal and emergency situations.
  • In particular, trainees will gain:
  • familiarization with the of engines and helm for ship manoevring;
  • an understanding of the effects on the behaviour of the ship of wind, current, shallow water, banks and narrow channels and condition of loading;
  • a greater awareness of the importance of planning a passage or manoeuvre and the need for an alternative plan;
  • a greater awareness and understanding of a good interactive communication style and benefit of building up a common shared mental model of the planned passage.
  • Thia course requires a ship handling simulator with a fully equipped bridge, including instruments avowing course, speed, rudder angle, rate of turn, engine RPM and propeller pitch and relative wind direction and speed. Whenever possible, the model in use should be of similar size and manoeuvring characteristics to the ships in which trainees will serve. The models must generate realistic responses to the use of engine and ridder under various conditions. Special attention should be drawn to slow speed situations. The simulator must have a visual system capable of handling a number of ships in addition to land masses. The simulator must generate realistic radar signals and echo soundings and simulate or emulate navigation receivers providing at least one alternative means of fixing position.
  • Manoeuvring information, in the form set out in IMO assembly resolution A.601 (15), should be provided for the model in use. The bridge should be equipped with a simulated VHF telephone, connected to the instructor station, for communicating with pilot stations, VTS, port services and other ships during exercises. The instructor will act as the other stations in answering or initiating calls. Similarly, an internal telephone to the engine-room should be connected to the instructor station.
  • Means of producing the sound signals required by COLREG 1972 must be provided for other ships in the vicinity as well as for own ship.
  • Adjacent to the simulator there should be a room where briefing and debriefing may be held. Preferably, there should be a wall projector showing the scenario as it is seen from the instructor station. The room should be suitable for displaying charts of the walls and have an overhead projector and a blackboard. Video recording and playback facilities may also be useful.
  • There should be a room where lecturing may be held. Preferably, each trainee should have a personal computer equipment with a bridge resource management interactive CBT programme (or rquivalent products).
Name of the simulator
Bridge Operation Simulator
Objective and use of the simulator
The simulator is can simulate a realistic environment for selected STCW competence requirements referred to in Table 3-2
Brand and model
ARI Simulation
ARI-NAVSIM10000λn  Multi-Model
Last update
Type approved by
Number of certificate
n1874385-hfy ARI-NAVSIM10000?n
Hardware description
  • Trainees wiship to enter this course should have a minimum of six months’ watchkeeping experience as officer on charge of a navigational watch and should also have completed a course of training which meets or exceeds the standard set in IMO assembly resolution A.483 (XII), training in radar observation and plotting (see IMO Model Course 1.07)
  • A certificate of course completion shall be issued to those who shall satisfactorily fulfill the course requirements.
  • Certificate of Proficiency is issued by the Department of Shipping, Dhaka, Bangladesh.