All functions
A classroom equipped with an overhead projector and a blackboard, whiteboard or flipchart should be provided for teaching the theory of the course and holding group discussions. The availability of appropriate engine room simulation equipment and/or replicated engines and engine-room equipment would be beneficial in developing the practical competence required by STCW Code.
Function 1
This syllabus covers the requirements of the STCW Code, chapter III, section A-III/1. This functional element provides the detailed knowledge to support the training outcomes related to Marine Engineering at the Operational Level.
This section provides the background knowledge and practical work to support:
maintaining a safe engineering watch
using English in written and oral form
using internal communication systems
operating main and auxiliary machinery and associated control systems
operating fuel, lubrication, ballast and other pumping systems and associated control systems.
Function 2
This syllabus covers the requirements of the STCW Code, chapter III, section A-III/1. This functional element provides the detailed knowledge to support the training outcomes related to Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering at the Operational Level.
This section provides the background knowledge and practical work to support:
the safety requirements for working on electrical tasks
the ship’s electrical engineering and electronics
control engineering
power distribution systems.
The following equipment is recommended for relevant laboratories:
measuring/testing instruments (oscilloscope, voltmeters, ammeters, power meters, digital and analog multi meters, continuity testers, clamp meters, live-line testers, insulation testers, etc.)
electrical circuit devices (various relays, switches, resistors, circuit breakers, fuses, lamps, transformers, connectors)
examples of electrical diagrams (i.e. block, system, circuit and wiring diagrams)
motors and several kinds of motor starters with starter circuits diagram
model A.C. and D.C. generators
a selection of marine cables, an earth lamp model system
electronic circuit experiment equipment including electro circuit elements such as various semiconductor devices, thyristor, IGBT, MOSFET, LSI, LED), simple circuit diagrams and configurations
various automatic control devices/equipment (PID controllers, sequencer, transducer, recorders, control valves, thermostats, pressure switches, level switches, iron-cored solenoid, resistance thermometer bulb, standard of adjustable resistance to create desired temperature signal, hydraulic testing equipment.
PID control experiment equipment for temperature/level/pressure control system.
Function 3
This syllabus covers the requirements of the STCW Code, chapter III, section A-III/1. This functional element provides the detailed knowledge to support the training outcomes related to Maintenance and Repair at the Operational Level.
This section provides the background knowledge and practical work to support:
the use of hand and machine tools and measuring instruments
marine engineering maintenance.
A comprehensive workshop is required for the practical elements in the training objectives.
The workshop is required equipped with an overhead crane and a range of maintenance tools. Services such as compressed air and a water supply will be necessary, as well as access to workshops used for training in other marine engineering skills.
When starting a training programme in plant maintenance in a training institute, the acquisition of suitable marine engineering components and machinery can be difficult as the high cost would preclude the purchase of new equipment. The training centre can initially acquire scrap, discarded parts and equipment items, or seek donations of equipment from manufacturers or shipowners. Some financial annual provision must be made in the training centre’s budget for updating and expanding the equipment each year.
The following equipment is recommended for workshops:
air compressors
steam turbine
diesel engine four and two stroke
a wide range of valves
pipework and fittings
refrigerator components
heat exchangers
boiler mountings
oil fuel burners
deck machinery
diesel engine cylinder heads, complete with fittings
hydraulic pumps, motors, valves and fittings
a turbocharger
a thrust block
oil purifiers.
Function 4
This syllabus covers the requirements of the Manila Amendment of STCW Code, chapter III, section A-III/1. This functional element provides the detailed knowledge to support the training outcomes related to Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons on Board at the Operational Level.
This section provides the background knowledge to support:
compliance with pollution prevention requirements
maintaining the seaworthiness of the ship, including:
ship stability
ship construction
prevention, control and fighting of fires on board ship*
operation of life-saving appliances*
provision of medical first aid on board ship*
monitoring compliance with legislative requirements
application of leadership and teamworking skills
contributing to safety of personnel and ship.
This function includes topics such as ship stability, carriage of cargoes on deck, heavy lifts, containers, bulk cargoes, grain, dangerous goods, oil tankers and the IMO conventions.
The following equipment is recommended:
cut-away three-dimensional models showing the structure of parts of the ship
photographs, drawings and plans illustrating various types of ship and constructional details
a floating ship stability demonstration model and a flotation tank. The model should be capable of demonstrating the effects of adding or removing masses, shifting masses, suspending masses and free liquid surface
a marine hydrometer.